sabato 15 settembre 2012

Tomorrow it's another day

Today for me was another no day. I guess I feel in this way because it's been a month that I am here and now I have so many homework that I am stressing out too much! Anyway now I feel much better. Basically I cried from 5 until 7pm today. Thanks to Caitlin, Lorenzo, Andrea, Jean and Tom I feel better.

I finished my research paper and I turned in 4 minutes later. Then I finished my English Composition Homework and now I feel so tired, but I think I might still have to finish my PMAP homework.
Moreover, for my Senior Capstone class I have to read a whole book and write the outline of the book by thursday! He is crazy! I don't know how I am going to do it! Plus on Tuesday I have a history test. Too many homework and too many courses. This is crazy.

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