giovedì 13 settembre 2012


I hate writing but I want to use this blog as a challenge for myself in order to see if I am able to keep a journal with all the things that happen to me while I am here in the United States. I know that I can write whatever that anyway nobody will ever going to read it.
Today (yesterday) I called for the first time since I am here my dear Crsitina! I was really happy to ear her voice but it was a little bit awkward to talk with her after all of these years. But still, I thought it was nice. I tried to call Leslie as well but her number wasn't working. Maybe I should just write to here on Facebook. It might be easier.
Today I have to wake up at 4:20 in the morning to call and give the welcome to the future Economics and management people. I so do not fell like to do it but I think it will be a nice thing for us to do for them. I remember that I really appreciated the call that Alin and Ana did when they were here. So I want to make the difference to somebody else how them two did to me.

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