venerdì 14 settembre 2012

Study Abroad Research Paper

I need to do a research paper for my PMAP3311 class here at Georgia State Univesity and I have to find 10 resources and discuss about them from my project. So it is hard because since is a research paper about studying abroad, I don't see too much of a problem with that. This so far has been the only link that I could find about this problem: NAFSA | Public Policy | Trends in U.S. Study Abroad. The point is that I would like to find something that has to do also with the European Union. For example we have the European Union that helped a lot with the possibility for students to travel. What about US who is the the governmentative body in charge of this?

5 commenti:

  1. This instead is based on each state: nobody here in the united states wants to study abroad seems like!

  2. Finally I discovered that the U.S. State department and the U.S. Education Department are in charge of study abroad programs!

    Sorry if I keep posting stuff but it is more like a reminder to myself

  3. This book talks about the benefits in language skills a student can achieve on a study abroad program:

  4. This website seems to be one of the only ones that talks about International Programs here in the United States:

    Then I found an Interesting article from "Diverse Issue in higher education" by Karen Sihin, that mention why American students might not be interested in participating in a study abroad program:
    The only problem of this article although is that it only focus on the problem of studying abroad opportunities of minorities.

  5. Another interesting point made from NAFSA:
