sabato 15 settembre 2012

Tomorrow it's another day

Today for me was another no day. I guess I feel in this way because it's been a month that I am here and now I have so many homework that I am stressing out too much! Anyway now I feel much better. Basically I cried from 5 until 7pm today. Thanks to Caitlin, Lorenzo, Andrea, Jean and Tom I feel better.

I finished my research paper and I turned in 4 minutes later. Then I finished my English Composition Homework and now I feel so tired, but I think I might still have to finish my PMAP homework.
Moreover, for my Senior Capstone class I have to read a whole book and write the outline of the book by thursday! He is crazy! I don't know how I am going to do it! Plus on Tuesday I have a history test. Too many homework and too many courses. This is crazy.

venerdì 14 settembre 2012

Study Abroad Research Paper

I need to do a research paper for my PMAP3311 class here at Georgia State Univesity and I have to find 10 resources and discuss about them from my project. So it is hard because since is a research paper about studying abroad, I don't see too much of a problem with that. This so far has been the only link that I could find about this problem: NAFSA | Public Policy | Trends in U.S. Study Abroad. The point is that I would like to find something that has to do also with the European Union. For example we have the European Union that helped a lot with the possibility for students to travel. What about US who is the the governmentative body in charge of this?

Morinig Craziness

The new iPhone will be out in few days. What do I do? Should I buy it or not? It is way too expensive for my standards but I really like it and I want it badly, here it seems impossible to survive without it! It seems strange, but here in the United States, almost everybody have an iphone. It is pretty cool, I'm not gonna lie, but it is way overpriced. It would be even more useful in my case since I have basically everything apple. I have a Mac, which I love; I have an iPad, which I adore. The point again, what should I do. I need an unlocked version for sure. Otherwise, neither in Italy nor in France I will be able to use it. From what I saw online the new iPhone does not have yet an unlocked version. The point is... is the old one cheaper? If so I think I prefer much more the older version instead of the new one. The new one always has problems. Instead, the last version of the old one is at the maximum possibilities of his performance without faults and problems. Thinking about that, is the iPhone 4S much better then the iPhone 4? What should I do? For sure I want a white iPhone. No doubts about that.

Today I woke up as I said at 4:25 to go the meeting on Skype with my Italian professor. I was pretty tired but I think it was worth. The point is that the people that were sitting in the front did not look so excited. I hope that they found useful our speech but I don't know. I just know that I did my part. I could not have done more then that to persuade people to come here. Truly is much hard work, but I think I will be repaid one day or the other for all my effort. I don't think that the time I am spending here is a waste of time, except maybe for U.S. History. I don't like too much my professor. She is pretty weird. When she talks, her hands are actually shacking. For her hight she is way to thin, and if I may, actually I think she suffer of anorexia. Anyway the other day for example I was in class and she mentioned the French Revolution. Oh boy! It is way to funny to see how Americans think about Europe. She totally messed up everything. I mean, I don't know if she does it in order to make more interesting the lessons for the Americans, since they are almost asleep during classes and they cannot even resist sitting for not even an hour, but she totally joked about some important facts of history. She said that Maria Antonietta said that people should eat CAKE! I mean, are you serious?! Cake?! Everybody knows that was croissant and not cake! Poor woman. Moreover, I am not even really sure that she knows that Cristoforo Colombo (not Christopher Columbus) was Italian and not Spanish.

There are some things that I would never understand about Americans... which by the way I mean people from United States. It is so annoying that they call themselves as American when they are not since they are just a small fraction of the overall continent. They are so conceited. They always think they are the best than anybody else. That is why people do not like Americans. In fact, few days ago, maybe like two days ago, an American embassy in Libya was attached and the Consoler was killed. My mum told me that an American jewish made a movie of Maometto life. Many Muslims interpreted that movie as a blasphemous and that is why they are made with Americans in general. Of course they acted in the wrong way but why did the the United States allowed that? They just said we are not responsible for that movie to save their asses, but how can you be indifferent when you publicly offend many countries? I don't know the whole story to judge what happened, but the point that I am trying to make is why Americans think that they are superior than anybody else so they feel free to do what the heck they want. It is not right. They thing they are the best an all the rest of the world is not as worthy as them. However, people here are so ignorat about the rest of the world that is scary! You have no idea how many Americans asked me what language do we speak in Italy! Ah.

giovedì 13 settembre 2012


I hate writing but I want to use this blog as a challenge for myself in order to see if I am able to keep a journal with all the things that happen to me while I am here in the United States. I know that I can write whatever that anyway nobody will ever going to read it.
Today (yesterday) I called for the first time since I am here my dear Crsitina! I was really happy to ear her voice but it was a little bit awkward to talk with her after all of these years. But still, I thought it was nice. I tried to call Leslie as well but her number wasn't working. Maybe I should just write to here on Facebook. It might be easier.
Today I have to wake up at 4:20 in the morning to call and give the welcome to the future Economics and management people. I so do not fell like to do it but I think it will be a nice thing for us to do for them. I remember that I really appreciated the call that Alin and Ana did when they were here. So I want to make the difference to somebody else how them two did to me.